At Durai Modern School (CBSE), we believe in the concept of "positive discipline," which emphasizes reinforcing good behaviour rather than simply punishing undesirable actions. Our approach is centered on creating a supportive and respectful environment where students are encouraged to make positive choices.
When a child exhibits behaviour that needs correction, our first step is to gently redirect them and engage in a conversation about appropriate behaviour. We address the situation with a firm yet caring tone, ensuring that the child understands the expectations and the reasons behind them. If necessary, a brief "timeout" from the group may be implemented, allowing the child to reflect on their actions in a calm and non-punitive manner.
In cases where a particular behaviour persists despite these efforts, we believe in involving parents as partners in the discipline process. We will contact the child’s parents to discuss the situation and invite them to come in for a talk. This collaborative approach ensures that both the school and the family are working together to guide the child toward making better decisions and developing self-discipline.
Our ultimate goal is to help students grow into responsible, respectful, and empathetic individuals who understand the importance of making positive contributions to their school community.